OIL Open House 2021

07 December 2021

Thank you for those who were able to participate virtually and in-person at the Open Innovation Lab Open House and PNT Modernization Update! Below are a handful of resources from the Open House available to you. We encourage you to fill out the Open House Survey, linked below, to tell us how we did and what else you’d like to see in the future.

OIL Open House Resources

Recorded Virtual Session 



Original Announcement

Q & A



1. We’re interested in learning more about the MOSA Hand Held concept. What’s the best way to get more information on that?

a. The information that was briefed regarding the handheld concept is the only information available at this time. As we get closer to FY23, more information will be released. Please refer to the event slides, linked above, for current information. 

2. Why is the VICTORY link is not working?

a. The VICTORY public website and portal have been taken down and moved to DI2E. Visit our webpage, (linked here), to find instructions on how to request access to the VICTORY project on DI2E. VICTORY is aware of the DI2E sunset at the end of FY22 and are investigating suitable alternatives.

3. Please provide the POC for PNT Dismounted Soldier to brief capabilities.

a. Register your company through the OIL website so we can set up a capability briefing with not only our dismounted folks, but all of our stakeholders.  

    1.    Follow the OIL Website Link: https://apntoil.army.mil
    2.    Select “Registration” at the top of the page
    3.    Sign up for an account 
    4.    Log into the OIL Portal
    5.    Select “PNT Vendor Registration”
    6.    Select “Register your Company and Product”
    7.    Complete the form in its entirety 
    8.    Attach available documentation
    9.    Read and agree to the authorization 
    10.    Select “Submit”

This is applicable for briefing or contacting any of our stakeholders, to include PNT Modernization, PNT Mounted, PNT Dismounted, etc. 

4. Can you provide POC for pntOS and/or Mike Caporellie?

a. The pntOS folks are working on creating a contact email forum which will be hosted on the pntOS website.  You can find the updated website link on our pntOS standards page (linked here). Until then, please contact Mike Caporellie directly for pntOS access and questions: michael.m.caporellie.civ@army.mil

5. Are any of the industry participants in PlugFest recommended for consulting/partnering with to assist in adapting CMOSS compliance?

a. The PNT CMOSS PlugFest slide in the event slides, linked above, details who the participants were for PlugFest.

6. Are there any road-maps on next phase for those who won the PNT CMOSS PlugFest and future competitions?

a. The PNT CMOSS PlugFest winners will receive monetary awards of $20K & $15K. The government is currently determining whether there will be follow-on contracts following Plugfest.

7. We were unable to attend in-person and would like to attend in the future.  Virtual attendees did not benefit from having the additional mission partners at the event since we could not engage them in dialogue.  Could you increase capacity for in-person attendees?

a. We worked as hard as possible to get as many folks in the OIL based on COVID and space restrictions. We hope to be able to host more in-person attendees as we get back to a new and safe normal. 

8. What is the flow chart on the process?  1.  How do we register for testing?  2.  How do we access the tools spreadsheets for the test criteria to test against during development?  3.  How do we arrange for testing on site?

a. We will need more details on what you are looking to test. If you are looking to test CMOSS compliance, please register through the OIL to share your PNT capability so we can start the process. Check out our “How It Works” section of our website (linked here) to understand the OIL process. 

9. Could you publish the list of award winners and what tech they displayed at PlugFest? 

a. The PNT CMOSS PlugFest slide in the event slides, linked above, details who the participants were for PlugFest.

10. I would have liked more detail on what was presented and what won at Plugfest.  What were the actual products?

a. The PNT CMOSS PlugFest slide in the event slides, linked above, details who the participants were and products they tested. Products tested were PNT Cards, Switch Cards and Chassis.

11. I would like more discussions regarding pending opportunities and technologies the Army is interested to see. Industry always strives to enhance their products and has IR&D available for future improvements. Can you provide any info which provides insights into emerging Army requirements to assist Industry to focus is helpful?

a. Currently the MOSA Hand Held concept is the only upcoming contract at this time. The Open Innovation Lab welcomes all PNT capabilities to brief for a potential opportunity to work with PM PNT, C5ISR, and/or our other stakeholders. 

12. I would like to understand a little more about how the OIL is/will partner with other PEOs/PMs.

a. We are currently in the planning phase for this transition but will update Industry as we progress. 

13. I would like to see government organizational charts, opportunity timelines, more requirements, and Industry Partner capabilities on display.

a. For requirements, you can find our standards and specifications on our website, (linked here). The MOSA Hand Held Concept RFI is expected to be released in 1QFY23. We provided a government organizational chart specific to PM PNT, located in the event slides, linked above.

14. Are you providing additional opportunities for in person, or additional connection opportunities for virtual folks?

a. Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like to visit or learn more about the OIL. 

For further questions, please reach out to us here.